Transform Your Signature into a Statement with

Trust Sign

Trust Sign

In today's fast-paced digital world, efficiency and security are paramount. TrustSign is at the forefront, revolutionizing how businesses handle document signing. Developed by XtraTrust - A Licensed Certifying Authority, TrustSign is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline your document management process, making it faster, more secure, and greener.

TrustSign is here to change the way you sign, send, and secure your important documents. With state-of-the-art security, unmatched efficiency, and unwavering dedication to sustainability, we're not just changing the game; we're creating a whole new playing field.

Key Features

Multi-Format Support :

TrustSign seamlessly operates with PDF, Word, and Excel documents, ensuring wide-ranging compatibility.

Bulk Document Signing

Enables the signing of multiple documents in one go, significantly boosting efficiency.

Custom Signature Placement

Offers the flexibility to place digital signatures exactly where you want them in the document.

Dual Authentication Security

Enhances document security with a two-step authentication process for signing documents.

Timestamping Service

Records the exact time of the document signing, adding an extra layer of verification.

Customizable Signature Metadata

Allows for the modification of signature metadata to fit various requirements.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, making digital signing accessible to everyone.

Third-Party Application Integration

Capable of integrating with other applications to streamline workflows

IT ACT Complied

Fully abiding by the Information Technology Act, TrustSign assures that every digital signature is legally recognized,

Scalable Solution

Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, TrustSign smoothly scales with your business, accommodating growing volumes of documents and expanding operational needs without compromising on performance or security.

Advanced Encryption

Incorporate advanced encryption standards to ensure that each digital signature is not only secure but also tamper-evident.

Audit Trail Capabilities

Offer a comprehensive audit trail feature that tracks and records every action taken on the document for enhanced security and compliance.

Key Benefits

Cuts Operational Cost
By simplifying the document signing process, TrustSign reduces the expenses associated with manual handling and processing
Encourages a Paperless Economy
Promotes environmental sustainability by minimizing the need for paper, saving trees, and reducing carbon footprint.
Accessible Anytime, Anywhere
Offers the convenience of digital signing from any location, at any time, ensuring business continuity.
Saves Time
Digital signatures drastically cut down on the time spent on manual document processing, making organizational operations more efficient.
Ease of Verification
Signed documents can easily be verified with commonly used applications like Acrobat Reader, ensuring authenticity and integrity.