Digital Signature

Digital Signature Certificate And e-Tendering

They can be used to sign e-documents, ensuring that the document is legally binding and is not tampered with.

Role of DSC in e-Tendering

DSC plays a crucial role in e-Tendering as it ensures the authenticity of the electronic documents and transactions involved in the process. The use of DSCs in e-Tendering provides an added layer of security and authenticity, ensuring that only authorized parties can access and modify the tender-related documents.

In most cases, e-Tendering platforms require bidders to obtain a DSC before participating in the tendering process. The DSC serves as proof of the bidder's identity and their acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender.

Purpose of a Digital Signature Certificate in a Government Tender

Having been approved under the Information Technology Act, DSC possesses a legal status, which makes it a suitable choice for any e-Procurement process.

Since e-Procurement brings greater transparency to the entire process, it has gained significant popularity and acceptance. Furthermore, it helps buyers and bidders overcome geographic limitations, reduce procurement cycles, and stay up-to-date with current technology.

It is now much easier for bidders to apply for government tenders online since DSC has made this process much easier - download the document from the official website, fill up the tender, attach the DSC, and upload it back to the official website.

The Government of India’s Digital India initiative has made it easier for people from any part of the country to access government facilities, benefit from them by applying online with the help of a DSC. Read more about the Contribution of DSC in e-Governance in one of our previous blogs.

Which class of DSC is required for e-Tendering?

If you are applying for a government tender, then you must obtain a Class 3 DSC, issued by a licensed Certifying Authority (CA) which is acceptable in filing on the e-tendering portal.

Do note that Class 3 DSC is the highest level of DSC. It requires the person applying to be present in front of the Registration Authority (RA) and prove their identity.

Aside from using Class 3 Digital Signatures for online tendering, you can also use them for e-filing patent and trademark registration, import export code registration, e-bidding, and e-auctions.

Overall, using DSCs in e-Tendering is essential to maintain the integrity and security of the tendering process and ensure that it is conducted fairly and transparently.

How to register DSC for e-tendering?

To register DSC for e-tendering, you must acquire a DSC from a licensed Digital Signature Certificate provider. The application process is quite simple and can be done in a matter of minutes.

  • Visit the DSC processing portal of a licensed Certifying Authority.
  • In the Digital Signature Certificate application form fill in the following details :
  1. Select your Usage Type : Multi Purpose/ Document Signer/ DGFT.
  2. Select the Class Type : Class 3.
  3. Select the User Type : Individual or Organization.
  4. Select the Validity Period : 1 Year/ 2 Years/ 3 Years.
  5. Select the Certificate Type : Signature/ Encryption/ Both.
  6. Select the KYC Type.
  7. Once you have filled in the above information, complete the e-KYC process.
  8. You’ll have to create a challenge code and record a video for self-verification.
  9. Upon successful verification, you can download the digital signature certificate.

To register on the e-tendering portal, you need to enroll your DSC on the relevant e-tendering portal of the concerned government agency or organization, whichever is applicable. Upon successful enrollment, you can proceed further with the e-tender filling.

Key Takeaways

  • Digital Signature Certificates serve the role of an authenticated shield to the documents and transactions involved in the process of e-tendering.
  • Bidders applying for an e-tender must first acquire a DSC from a licensed Digital Signature Certificate provider.
  • The Digital Signature Certificate comes in the form of an e-Token, a USB drive or a smart card, which can be used to sign the e-tender digitally.
  • Class 3 type of DSC must be acquired for the process of e-tendering.

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